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uCarline Users Guide

Getting Started
After creating an account, follow the link that was emailed to you and login with the email address/temporary password included in the email. You will be required to change your password the first time you login.

NOTE: For security reasons and for the privacy of students in your school, only registered and logged in users will be able to see your school's carline. It is recommended you create accounts for all of the staff and faculty in your school that may need access to your uCarline account. See the section on "User Management" for more details about creating users and user permissions.

Upon logging in the first time, it is recommended that you click on the "Admin Panel" link in the upper right of the uCarline display. This will link you to the uCarline Admin Panel by which you can review your organization information to make sure all of that is correct.

NOTE: The uCarline Admin Panel allows you to view/edit your organization information, configure display preferences, run reports, submit support requests, manage users, and perform various other administrative functions for your uCarline account. See the section entitled "uCarline Admin Panel" for more details about all of the administration panel features.

Once you make sure you organization information is correct, you are ready to start using uCarline!

Using uCarline
By default, when you login to uCarline you are shown the carline for the current day.

Alternately, if you are viewing the uCarline Admin Panel, you can return to the carline at any time by clicking on the "Goto Carline" option or by clicking on the uCarline title bar.

uCarline Viewing Modes
uCarline has three viewing modes:

  1. Monitory Only Mode
  2. Manage Carline Mode (Admin users only)
  3. Add To Carline Mode (Admin users only)

These modes are selectable directly under your uCarline title bar.

Monitor Only Mode

The "Monitor Only" mode is a "read only" mode where users can just view/monitor the carline progress. While in this mode, you will be able to see the entire car line (in order), which students have been "Called" and which student have already been "Picked up". The display will automatically be updated every 30 seconds (by default).

"Monitor Only Mode" is the mode that most teachers should use in their classrooms to allow students to monitor the carline progress and see when they have been "Called" to go out to their car.

NOTE 1: "Admin" users can change the "Refresh rate" by logging in to the Admin Panel and changing the "Monitor Refresh Rate" located on the "Display Preferences" UI.

NOTE 2: "Monitor Only Mode" is the only View Mode available to non-admin users.

Manage Carline Mode (Admin users only)

The "Manage Carline" mode is a mode that allows monitoring of the car line...AND provides extra buttons to "Call" students and mark students as "Picked up". This display will automatically be updated every 30 seconds (by default)... or updated immediately after a student is "Called" or "Picked up".

"Manage Carline Mode" is the mode that would be used by any faculty helping in the student pickup area... as that is where students are "Called" and "Picked up".

NOTE: If you accidentally mark a student as "Picked up" ... do not worry! You can locate the student in the greyed out area of the carline and click on the "Picked Up" checkmark. This will allow you to confirm/restore the student back into the carline at the previous location.

Add To Carline Mode (Admin users only)

The "Add To Carline" mode is a mode that allows you to Add new cars to the carline. When in this mode, a new "Add To Carline" form is shown at the bottom of the display. An that form, you can specify the following for each car:

  • Student Name(s) - Required
  • Parent/Guardian
  • Car Description
  • Notes

The only required field is the "Student Name(s)".

"Add To Carline Mode" is the mode that a faculty member would use as people arrive in the carline. When a new car is added to the line, all other uCarline users monitoring the car line will see the new car line entry.

uCarline Statistics
When the last student in the carline has been marked as "Picked up", uCarline will automatically display some general statics for the the carline one that day. These statistics include such things as Total Cars, Total Carline Time, Average Time In Line, etc.

NOTE: From the uCarline Admin Panel, you can run reports over specific dates in the past and/or over any given time range. See the section titled "Run Online Reports" for more information on that feature.

uCarline Admin Panel
The uCarline Admin Panel allows Admin Users to view/edit your organization information, configure display preferences, run reports, submit support requests, manage users, and perform various other administrative functions for your uCarline account.

To access your uCarline Admin Panel, login as an Admin user and then click on the "Admin Panel" link in the upper right of the uCarline display. The following Admin features are available:

- View or change organization information

This option allows you to configure your organization information including name, address, contact info, time format and timezone. It also shows your account expiration date.

- View or change general carline preferences

This option allows you to configure some general carline display preferences including the title of your carline, colors and the automatic refresh rate used when in "Monitor Mode".

- Run carline reports

This option allows you to run carline reports. You can specify a specific date to report one... or a range of dates. The report will show various statistics related to the car lines including number of cars, average times in line, average pickup times, and etc. These statistics can be useful to see where bottlenecks are in your carline processing and whether processing time is improving over time.

NOTE: If you choose to report on a single day (ie. You specify the same start and end date), then you will also see the complete list of cars/students picked up on that given day. If you choose to report over multiple days (ie. You specify different start and end dates), then your report results will only contain the statistics.

- Send a support request

This option allows you to send a support request to us. Upon submitting a support request, our support team will receive a filtered email and receive a text message of your request... thus ensuring the most efficient and quickest response.

- Visit the online help and documentation

This option will link you direction to our latest online help documentation.

- Goto Carline

This option will change the display from the Admin Panel back to the carline of the current day.

uCarline User Management
The "User Management" section of the uCarline Admin Panel allows you to manage the users in your system. As mentioned previously, for security reasons and for the privacy of students in your school, only registered and logged in users will be able to see your school's carline. It is recommended you create accounts for all of the staff and faculty in your school that may need access to your uCarline account.

Regular Users

Regular users have basic permission to view the carline in "Monitor Only" mode. This is ideal for faculty and staff who will not be managing the carline themselves and just want to view the carline in readonly mode from their classroom.

Admin Users

If you set the "Is Administrator" setting to "Yes" for a particular user, that user will be able to monitor the carline... AND be able to:
  1. Manage The Carline ("Call" students and mark students as "Picked up")
  2. Add To Carline ("Add" cars to the carline)
  3. Access all features in the uCarline Admin Panel

uCarline™ School Carline Management System
© Copyright 2021 Microburst Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.