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uReserve Gold
User's Guide

Copyright (c) 2000 - 2015
Microburst Technologies, Inc.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
       New Features of Gold!
       Previous Features from Deluxe (Version 3)
  3. System Requirements
       More About Perl
  4. CGI Script Configuration
  5. Installing uReserve For the First Time
  6. Upgrading from uReserve Deluxe 3.x to uReserve Gold
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Main Control Panel
  9. General Settings
       Display Preferences
       Reservation Form Configuration
          Reservation Window Size
          Reservation Message Prompts
          Reservation Form Fields
          Reservation Booking Format
          Recurring Reservation Options
       E-mail Settings
          General E-mail Settings
          Admin E-mail Subjects
          User E-mail Subjects
          E-mail Transport
       Report Preferences
       Colors and Fonts
  10. Manage Categories
       Add Category
       Edit Category
       Delete Category
       Copy Category
       Reorder Categories
       Categorize Resources
  11. Manage Resources
       Resource Fields
       Add Resource
       Edit Resource
       Delete Resource
       Reorder Resources
       Blackout Dates
          Add Blackout Date
          Cancel Blackout Date
  12. Authorized Users
       Add Authorized User
       Edit Authorized User
       Delete Authorized User
       Blocked Users
  13. Pending Reservations
       Approve or Reject Pending Reservation
       Advanced Approve or Reject Pending Option
  14. Reports
  15. Utilities
          E-Mail Reservation Reminders
          Manage Images
          View Logs
          Export Data
          Purge Old Data
          Upgrade Data Files (non-hosted version only!)
  16. Security Settings
  17. Using uReserve Gold
       Viewing the Resource Schedule
       Reserving a Resource
       Viewing Reservation Info
       Modifying or Deleting a Reservation


uReserveTM Gold is an advanced online scheduling system that allows members in your organization to reserve resources or make appointments over the Web! User-friendly, web-based interfaces make it easy for people to check availability and request reservations. Advanced features allow the administrator to configure up to twenty-two (22) different pieces of information to collect on the reservation form!


If you are new to uReserve, take a look at the extensive lists of both new (Gold Edition) and old (Deluxe Edition) features that are available in this flexible online scheduling system. Most of the new features have come from customer suggestions, and we are already compiling a list of features for Version 5!

New features of uReserveTM Gold include:

Previous features of uReserveTM Deluxe Version 3 included:

System Requirements

uReserveTM consists of two Perl CGI scripts. System requirements are:

More About Perl

Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language) is an open-source, interpreted procedural programming language.
Perl is free software, and is licensed under both the Artistic License and the GNU General Public License.
Perl is available for most Web server operating systems. It is more prevalent on Unix and Unix-like systems (such as Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X), but is growing in popularity on Microsoft Windows systems.

A good resource for getting the latest Perl distribution for your Web server is found here

ActiveState is another good resource for a free version of Perl for Windows-based web servers. Visit for more information.

CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, is a collection of mirrored web sites that serve as a primary archive and distribution channel for Perl sources, distributions, documentation, scripts, and—especially—modules. It is commonly browsed with the search engine

CGI Script Configuration

The uReserveTM Gold program is comprised of two CGI-Perl scripts and three supporting text files: Before installing the program on your Web server, you will need to configure just one file: The script should be put in your cgi directory without any modifications, and the help-gold.txt, colors.txt, and fonts.txt files should be put in your "data" directory without any modifications.

In order to configure the script, you need to edit the file using any standard text editor, such as NotePad or WordPad, and answer the configuration questions at the top of the script. Below are some instructions to help you answer the questions and configure the script for your server.

NOTE: If you've never installed or executed any Perl scripts on your server before, it is recommended that you first try installing our basic test script as described on the following reference page:

By installing this basic Perl script first, it should help you to understand how to install and execute scripts on your server. It also will verify that your web hosting account is configured properly to run Perl scripts and will make installing the uReserveTM Gold script that much easier.

1. What is the path to Perl on your server?

The uReserveTM Gold script is written in the Perl programming language and so in order for it to run, you must specify the location of Perl on your Web server on the very first line of this script.

Typical locations are:


(Note that the #! ("pound shebang") characters are required and should be included when specifying the path). You can ask your Web Hosting Provider for the location of Perl on your server. If Perl is not installed on your Web server, reference More About Perl for more information.

2. What is your uReserve Gold License Number?

For this configuration question, enter the license number that you were given when you purchased uReserveTM Gold. To do this, replace or type over this line in the uReserveTM CGI script. In other words, change this line in the script from:

$license_number = "UNREGISTERED VERSION";

to something like:

$license_number = "ABC-123-456-789";

... where "ABC-123-456-789" is the official license number that was assigned to you when you purchased uReserveTM Gold.

3. What is your company's/organization's name?

For this configuration question, enter the name of your company/organization that will be using uReserveTM Gold. An example value for this configuration question is:

$company_name = "My Company";

4. What is your website URL?

For this configuration question, enter the full URL of your website. An example value for this configuration question is:

$website = "";

5. What is the URL of this script on your website?

After you finish configuring this script, you will be putting in your "cgi-bin" or "cgi-local" directory on your server, so for this configuration question, enter the full URL of where this script will be installed on your server. An example value for this configuration questions is:

$script_url = "";

6. What is the full or relative path to your data directory?

As part of the installation of this uReserveTM script on your server (which is described in the next section), you will need to create a "data" directory on your server. This "data" directory is where uReserveTM will store all of the resource and schedule data files. The "data" directory should be created as a subdirectory of your "cgi-bin" or "cgi-local" directory. If you call the data directory "data" and create it as a subdirectory of your "cgi-bin", a typical answer for this question would be:

$data_directory = "./data/";

You will also need to create 4 subdirectories under this data directory, with the following names:
...and give each directory read/write permissions

Note that the value is specified relative to where the script will be located. In some cases, however, you may need to specify this question as the full directory path to your data directory....such as "/www/youraccount/cgi-bin/data/" on UNIX servers, or "C:/users/youraccount/cgi-bin/data/" on NT servers.

7. What is the name of the settings files? For Advanced Users Only!

Most users will NOT need to change this setting, therefore, you can skip this question.

8. What would you like to be the start time of your reservation schedule?

This configuration question allows you to specify the start time of your daily online schedule display. Unless you are planning on using "Configurable Column Names" instead of specifying 10-min, 15-min, 30-min, or 60-min timeslots, this time should be specified as a 24-hour time. Valid values will range from "0" to "23". For example, if you want your schedule display to start at 8 o'clock in the morning, then you would set this value to:

$gtime_range_start = "8"; # set this as your schedule start time for the 10, 15, 30 or 60 min configuration

...or if you are going to use "Configurable Column Names" instead of specifying 10-min, 15-min, 30-min, or 60-min timeslots, this value must be set to "0".

$gtime_range_start = "0"; # set this to ZERO if you are going to configure your column names

9. What would you like to be the end time of your reservation schedule?

This configuration question allows you to specify the end time of your daily online schedule display. Unless you are planning on using "Configurable Column Names" instead of specifying 10-min, 15-min, 30-min, or 60-min timeslots, this time should be specified as a 24-hour time. Valid values will range from "1" to "24". Note that the $time_range_stop time MUST BE GREATER THAN the $time_range_start value that you configured in the previous question.

For example, if you want your schedule display to run up to 6 o'clock at night, then you would set this value to:

$gtime_range_stop = "18"; # set this as your schedule end time for the 10, 15, 30 or 60 min configuration

...or if you are going to use "Configurable Column Names" instead of specifying 10-min, 15-min, 30-min, or 60-min timeslots, this value must be set to "0".

$gtime_range_stop = "0"; # set this to ZERO if you are going to configure your column names

10. What image would you like at the top of your schedule pages?

This configuration question allows you to specify the URL of any image that you would like to be displayed at the top of your online schedule displays. This value must be a FULL URL, beginning with "http" - so an example value might be:

$gpage_image = "";

If you do not want any image displayed on the page, then just set this value to "NONE" (in ALL CAPS).

11. What is the administrator's password?

This configuration question allows you to specify a password for the uReserveTM administrator to use when installing the program and setting themselves up as an authorized user for the first time. The uReserveTM administrator will have special privileges for configuring and administering the entire program. Furthermore, the administrator will be authorized to modify or delete any reservation ... even if it was password protected when it was created. An example value for this configuration question is:

$gen_admin_login_password = "admin";

12. What is the name of the uReserve Gold language file?

This configuration question will be further implemented in future versions of uReserve. It represents multi-language translation file names. Leave this question unchanged!

require ""; # DO NOT MODIFY

13. What columns would you like to have? (CONFIGURABLE COLUMNS VERSION ONLY)

Skip this question if you are going to be setting up your schedule in either 10-min, 15-min, 30-min or 60-min timeslot increments.

If you don't want to set up your schedule in either 10-min, 15-min, 30-min or 60-min timeslots, you can configure the Column Names. You must specify them in the order that you want them to appear on the schedule. Change the values below to match your needs, adding additional values within single quotes ( ' ' ) and separated by commas. The last column name will not appear on the schedule but is needed during the scheduling process as reservations will be offered from one column name until the next. (This will become more clear once you have installed the script and can see the reservation form.)

@column_names = ('Period 1','Period 2','Period 3','Period 4','Period 5','Period 6','Period 7','End of Day');

14. What is the full or relative path to your default image directory?

Specify the path to a folder on your Web server where you will store images used with your online schedule. A built-in Administrative utility will let you upload images to this directory, and remove images from this directory.

A typical path would be something like this:

$default_image_dir = "/usr/www/users/YourUserName/images/";

15. What is the URL of your default image directory (to the directory specified above in #14)?

Specify the path to a folder on your Web server where you will store images used with your online schedule. A built-in Administrative utility will let you upload images to this directory, and remove images from this directory.

A typical URL would be something like this:

$default_image_dir_url = "";

Installing uReserve For the First Time

UPGRADE NOTE: If you are upgrading from uReserve Deluxe (v3.x), skip to next section.

After editing/configuring the script, as described in the Configuration section of this User's Guide, you will need to install both the file and the in the cgi directory on your server. To do this:

  1. Use your favorite FTP program to transfer the "" file and the "" file to the CGI directory on your server. IMPORTANT! When transferring this file, be sure to transfer it in ASCII or TEXT transfer mode (as opposed to BINARY or RAW transfer mode).

  2. Once the scripts have been transferred to the CGI directory on your server, give them READ and EXECUTE permissions. If you have a UNIX server, you can give the script READ and EXECUTE permissions (chmod 755) with your FTP program. If you have an NT server, then you may have to get your web hosting provider to give the script EXECUTE permissions for you.

  3. As specified in the previous section, you will need to create a directory on your server where the uReserveTM data files can be stored. To do this, use your FTP program to create a new subdirectory called "data" in the cgi (typically called "cgi-bin") directory on your Web server.

  4. Once the "data" directory has been created in the CGI directory on your server, you will need to give that directory WRITE and EXECUTE permissions. If you have a UNIX server, you can give the directory WRITE and EXECUTE permissions (chmod 733) with your FTP program. If you have an NT server, then you may have to get your web hosting provider to give the directory WRITE permissions for you.

  5. Finally, create four more folders below your "data" directory, having these names:
    • 10min
    • 15min
    • 30min
    • 60min

    Give these folders WRITE and EXECUTE permissions as you did in the previous step.
After following the above steps to install uReserveTM Gold on your Web server, you can test that it is setup correctly by opening your browser and typing the full URL of the script on your server into the LOCATION box on your browser. This URL should be the same URL that you specified in question #5 of the script setup, such as:

Upon doing so, you should see the either the uReserveTM Gold copyright page (if this is the first time using uReserveTM... or the uReserveTM online schedule display if you have already created some resources). If you do not see the uReserveTM Gold copyright page or the uReserveTM Gold schedule display...and instead see some sort of a "Server Error", then something is not setup correctly, see the Troubleshooting section below.

Upgrading from uReserve Deluxe (v3.x) to uReserve Gold

INSTALLATION NOTE: If you are not upgrading from uReserve Deluxe (v3.x), follow the installation instructions in the previous section.

Before beginning the upgrade, make a backup copy of both the script, and the entire data directory plus subfolders. Move your backup files somewhere for safekeeping, in the event that something does not work properly after upgrading. Unzip the file that you downloaded with your license. Open up the file with a text editor (such as Windows Notepad). Configure the questions at the top of the script, as described in the Configuration section of this User's Guide. Install both the configured file and the in the cgi directory on your Web server. To do this:

  1. Use your favorite FTP program to transfer the "" file and the "" file to the CGI directory on your server. IMPORTANT! When transferring this file, be sure to transfer it in ASCII or TEXT transfer mode (as opposed to BINARY or RAW transfer mode).

  2. Once the scripts have been transferred to the CGI directory on your server, give them READ and EXECUTE permissions. If you have a UNIX server, you can give the script READ and EXECUTE permissions (chmod 755) with your FTP program. If you have an NT server, then you may have to get your web hosting provider to give the script EXECUTE permissions for you.

  3. Put the new "help-gold.txt", "colors.txt", and "fonts.txt" files into your data directory.

  4. Make sure you still have four data folders ("10min", "15min", "30min" and "60min") under your data directory, and that these folders have WRITE and EXECUTE permissions. These folders should STILL contain any PREVIOUS v3.x reservation file data.

  5. Note: You might need to give these files full (chmod 777) permission if you have any trouble reading/writing new reservation data.

  6. Verify that the following files are still in your data directory, and that you didn't accidentally delete them or move them into your reservation data directory (these do not go into your "10min", "15min", "30min" or "60min" directories).

Log in to the uReserve Administrative Control Panel as you would normally do. (If you can not get to the uReserveTM Gold Admin Control Panel, and instead see some sort of a "Server Error", then something is not setup correctly, see the Troubleshooting section below.)
Choose "Utilities" and then "Upgrade Data Files". On the "Upgrade Data Files" screen, select the "Upgrade Data Files" button to begin the data conversion of your old v3.x files to the new Gold Edition data file format.
After the data file upgrade has completed, verify that the following file was created in your data directory:


In order to keep the troubleshooting information as up-to-date as possible, we have moved this Troubleshooting section to the uReserveTM online reference site at:

uReserve Gold Administrative Control Panel

Once the CGI script is correctly installed on your server, you are ready to start using uReserveTM Gold. Begin by logging in to the Administrative Control Panel, and if the is the first time using uReserve, create some resources.

Logging In

In order to login to the uReserveTM Gold Administrative Control Panel, the administrator can use his/her browser to go to the URL of the uReserveTM script on your server ... followed by a special "?command=login" tag. This will actually be the same URL that you specified in configuration question #5... followed by "?command=login" such as:

TIP: To make logging in easier in the future, the administrator may want to bookmark this URL.

To login as the primary System Administrator for the very first time, enter the password that you specified in question #11 of the script setup for both the username and password on the Log In screen.

Tip! After you are logged in for the first time, you might want to change the username and password for the System Admin. Use the Authorized Users function to "Edit" the System Admin and assign a different username and password. When you select the "Save" button after changing the System Admin username and/or password that you are currently logged in to, you will be logged off and you will have to log back in using the modified username and/or password.

General Settings

Only System Administrators have access to the General Settings. System Administrators can configure preferences for the way the resource schedule is displayed and rules that apply for making, viewing, modifying and deleting reservations.

Display Preferences

Various schedule display parameters can be configured by choosing "General Settings" from the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Display Preferences" option.

The following table describes the configurable schedule display parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Reservation Timeslot Size This setting allows you to specify the size of reservation timeslots. Valid values are "Ten Minutes", "Fifteen Minutes", "Thirty Minutes", "Sixty Minutes", and "Configured Column Names". If you choose "Configured Column Names", make sure you have pre-configured the additional required information in the script, Configuration Question #13.

Important Note: Reservation data is stored in separate data directories for each of these settings, so changing between settings will appear to "lose" current reservation data. "Configured Column Names" will, however, always read and write reservations in the "60min" subdirectory.
2 Schedule Display Format This setting allows you to specify the default display format of your reservation schedule, although you can also configure this setting individually, by resource. Valid options are "Daily", "Weekly" or "Monthly". If "Daily" is selected, the schedule will default to showing one day at time. If "Weekly" is selected, the schedule will default to showing one week at a time. If "Monthly" is selected, the schedule will default to showing one month at a time. You can configure the optional "Toggle View Bar" to display on the schedule (see Show Toggle View Bar description below) to enable the user to switch between schedule views.

Note: If "Show Weekends" is set to "No", the weekend days will not display when using the "Daily" or "Weekly" schedule, but will appear "blacked out" on the monthly schedule.
3 Default Schedule Display Date This setting allows you to specify a date that the schedule will default to showing. This is handy when you want people to make reservations for a specific date only, such as for a single day when parent-teacher conferences are being held. Date format should be MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, depending on whether you are using US or European date format.
4 Choose How Categories Are Displayed If you have categorized your resources, you can optionally show a single menu of resource categories as your main schedule entry page, or show all of the resources grouped by category on the schedule.
  • Choose Show Category Menu On Entry Page if you want to show the menu of resource categories as your schedule entry page.
  • Choose Show All Categories And Resources On One Page if you instead want to show all resources grouped by category on one schedule page.
  • Choose Don't Display By Category if you are not categorizing your resources.
5 Show Category Menu Hyperlink This setting enables a hyperlink to the Category Menu to be displayed at the top of the schedule. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". The default value is "YES".

If this value is set to "YES" and the "Show Toggle View Bar" setting (see below) is "NO", the Category Menu hyperlink will be shown at the top center of the schedule pages. If this value is set to "YES" and the "Show Toggle View Bar" setting is "YES", the Category Menu hyperlink will be added to the Toggle View Bar.

If the setting "Choose How Categories Are Displayed" is set to "Don't Display By Category" or "Show All Categories and Resources On One Page", this setting will be ignored.
6 Show Admin Log In Hyperlink This setting enables a hyperlink to the Administrative Control Panel to be displayed on the schedule. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". The default value is "NO". If this value is set to "YES", a hyperlink to the Administrative Control Panel will be shown on the schedule. This hyperlink can be positioned above (top) and/or below (bottom) the schedule, left, right, or centered.
7 Show Toggle View Bar This setting enables a hyperlinked "toggle bar" of alternate schedule views to be displayed above or below the schedule. This toggle bar enables the user to switch between the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly views of the schedule. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". The default value is "YES". If this value is set to "NO", there will be no ability for the user to switch between schedule views.

Note: If "Show Category Menu On Entry Page" has been configured, and "Show Category Menu Hyperlink" is set to "YES", an additional link to the Category Menu will be added to the schedule view "toggle bar".
8 Show Navigation Buttons This setting allows you to specify whether to show the Previous/Next schedule Navigation Buttons, and where to position these buttons. Navigation buttons can be placed above (top) and/or below (bottom) the schedule, left, right or centered.
9 Date Format This setting allows you to specify whether to use US date format (MM/DD/YYYY) or EUROPEAN (DD/MM/YYYY) date format. Valid values are "US" or "EUROPEAN". The default value is "US".
10 Time Format This setting allows you to specify whether the times on weekly reservation schedule will be displayed in STANDARD (AM-PM) format or in MILITARY (24-HOUR) format. Valid values are "STD" or "MIL". The default value is "STD".
11 Server Timezone Adjustment This relates to the Administrative Security Setting called "Prevent Expired Timeslot Reservations". If "Prevent Expired Timeslot Reservations" is set to "YES", then uReserve uses the server time to determine if a reservation is being made for a timeslot which has already passed. If your web server is in a different timezone from where your primary users are making reservations, set the "Server Timezone Adjustment" to the number of hours to adjust the expired timeslot calculation.

This value is in hours, from -23 to +23, and defaults to 0.
12 Weekly/Monthly View Start Day This setting allows you to specify whether the weekly reservation schedule will begin on SUNDAYS or MONDAYS. Valid values are "SUN" or "MON". The default value is "SUN". Important: Changing this setting will change the format of the data file names. Do NOT change this setting if you already have reservation data that you do not want to "lose".
13 Show Weekends This setting allows you to specify whether the weekly reservation schedule will show weekend days or not. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". The default value is "YES".
14 Maintain Action Log This setting allows you to specify whether or not to record all reservations in a log file. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". The default value is "YES". Note that while this setting is set to "YES", a bar-delimited log file called "reservation-log.txt" is maintained in your "data" directory.
15 User Permission Level This setting allows you to specify the general permission level of your reservation system. The permissions levels have been defined as follows:
1 - Anyone can make single reservations or recurring reservations.
2 - Anyone can make single reservations, but only authorized users can make recurring reservations.
3 - Only authorized users can make single reservations or recurring reservations.
4 - Anyone can make single reservations, but no one can make recurring reservations.
5 - Only authorized users can make single reservations, and no one can make recurring reservations.
16 Reserve Character This setting allows you to specify the character(s) used to indicate reserved (not available) time slots on the daily schedule tables. The default setting is "R".
17 Daily/Weekly Reserve Image This setting allows you to specify an image that will be used to indicate reserved (not available) time slots on both the daily and weekly schedule tables. If you want to specify a reserved icon, then specify this setting as the full URL of the image that you want to use. If you do not want to use an image, just specify this setting as "".
18 Daily/Weekly Reserve Image Alt Text This setting allows you to specify an "ALT" message that will be associated with the "Daily/Weekly Reserve Image" icon (if any) that was specified, and this text will appear as a pop-up text box when the mouse is held over the image on the schedule.
19, 20 Daily/Weekly Calendar Cell Width/Height This setting allows you to specify the width and height of each timeslot on the daily and weekly schedule. The default value is "20" pixels, but this may need to be increased if you specify a large "reserve character" or a large "reserve image".
21 Daily/Weekly Reservation Instructions This setting allows you to specify the instructions that appear under each daily or weekly schedule. The default value is "To reserve a resource, click on the resource's name."
22, 23 Monthly Calendar Cell Width/Height This setting allows you to specify the width and height of each timeslot on the monthly schedule. The default value is "60" pixels.
24 Monthly Calendar Reservation Instructions This setting allows you to specify the instructions that appear under each daily schedule table. The default value is "To reserve a resource, click on the calendar date."
25 Only Show Reserved When Full This setting allows you to specify whether you want the monthly calendar cells to be colored in the "reserved" or "pending" color only when all of the timeslots for the given day are reserved (or pending). Set this to "NO" if you want the monthly calendar cells to display in the reserved or pending color when at least one reservation or pending reservation is made on a given day. The default value is "NO".
26 Monthly Reserve Image This setting allows you to specify an image that will be used to indicate timeslots with reservations on the monthly calendar. Confirmed reservations always take precedence over any pending reservations, so if there are both confirmed and pending reservations on the same day, the image that will show will be the "Monthly Reserve Image", not the "Monthly Pending Image". If you want to specify a monthly reserved icon, then specify this setting as the full URL of the image that you want to use. If you do not want to use an image, just specify this setting as "". The default is "";
27 Monthly Reserve Image Alt Text This setting allows you to specify an "ALT" message that will be associated with the "Monthly Reserve Image" icon (if any) that was specified, and this text will appear as a pop-up text box when the mouse is held over the image on the schedule.
28 Monthly Pending Image This setting allows you to specify an image that will be used to indicate pending reservation time slots on the monthly calendar. If there are confirmed reservations on the same day, then the reserved image or reserved color takes precedence. The pending image will show only when the only reservation(s) for that day are pending. If you want to specify a pending reservation icon, then specify this setting as the full URL of the image that you want to use. If you do not want to use an image, just specify this setting as "". The default is "";
29 Monthly Pending Image Alt Text This setting allows you to specify an "ALT" message that will be associated with the "Monthly Pending Image" icon (if any) that was specified, and this text will appear as a pop-up text box when the mouse is held over the image on the schedule.
30 Monthly Day-is-Full Image This setting allows you to specify an image that will be used to indicate a day where all timeslots are reserved on the monthly calendar. If you want to specify a day-is-full icon, then specify this setting as the full URL of the image that you want to use. If you do not want to use an image, just specify this setting as "". The default is "";
31 Monthly Day-is-Full Image Alt Text This setting allows you to specify an "ALT" message that will be associated with the "Monthly Day-is-Full Image" icon (if any) that was specified, and this text will appear as a pop-up text box when the mouse is held over the image on the schedule.
32 Show Hyperlinks to Calendars This setting controls whether or not to show a table of hyperlinks to each monthly calendar at the top of the monthly calendar view page. Set this to "NO" if you do not want to see the table of hyperlinks at the top of your monthly calendar view page. The default value is "YES".
33 Hyperlinks Columns This setting allows you to specify the number of columns to use when displaying the table of hyperlinks to each calendar on the Monthly view page. The default value is "4".
34 Hyperlinks Table Color This setting allows you to specify the color of the hyperlinks table at the top of the Monthly calendar view. The default value is "#FFFFFF" (white).
35 Hyperlinks Font Size This setting allows you to specify the font size for the hyperlinks in the table at the top of the Monthly calendar view. The default value is "1".
36 Hyperlinks Font Face This setting allows you to specify the font face type for the hyperlinks in the table at the top of the Monthly calendar view. The default value is "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica".

Table 1: Display Preferences Form Fields

Reservation Form Configuration

The administrator can configure the size of the reservation form pop-up window, the wording of various user message prompts, up to twenty-two form entry fields, the reservation booking format, and the recurring reservation options to offer.

By choosing "General Settings" from the Administrative Control Panel, then choosing "Reservation Fields", the Reservation Form Configuration form is displayed. Enter preferences and click on "Apply" to save the settings.

The tables below describe the configurable reservation form parameters in detail.

Reservation Window Size

Configure the size of the reservation form pop-up window.
  Form Field Description
1 Reservation Window Height This setting allows you to specify the height of the pop-up reservation form window. The default setting is "600" pixels.
2 Reservation Window Width This setting allows you to specify the width of the pop-up reservation form window. The default setting is "400" pixels.

Table 2: Reservation Window Size

Optional [User Message] Prompts

Accept the default user message prompts shown, or change the messages for your own preference.

Tip! If you want to force users to enter a password along with their reservation, but you are not defining Authorized Users for the system, check the "Force Password Required" checkbox on this screen.

  Form Field Description
1 Reservation Prompt This setting allows you to override the default "Enter contact information below:" prompt.
2 Protect Reservation Prompt This setting allows you to specify a password prompt string for the reservation form. The default setting is "Enter a password to protect your reservation: (Optional)".
3 Recurring Events Prompt This setting allows you to override the default "An authorized user name and password is required:" prompt.
4 Authorized User Recurring Events Prompt This setting allows you to override the default "A user name and password is required for recurring events:" prompt.
5 Password Field Prompt This setting allows you to specify the general password prompt string. The default setting is "Password".
6 Password Required Prompt This setting allows you to override the default "*A password is required for all modifications" message. However, the password requirement is not enforced unless the checkbox below this prompt, "Force Password Required", is checked.
7 Force Password Required? This checkbox allows you to control whether users will be forced to enter an arbitrary password along with a reservation, for purposes of preventing unauthorized changes to the reservation. Leaving this box unchecked means that a reservation can be made without entering a password, provided the resource permission level does not require username and password. Checking this box means that a reservation password must be entered with each reservation. The "password" is arbitrary, but should be something that isn't obvious and can't be easily guessed.

If the user needs to modify or cancel a reservation that was protected by a "password", the "password" stored with the reservation will need to be used to make the change.

Table 3: Optional User Message Prompts

Reservation Form Fields

Configure up to twenty-two entry fields that will show on your reservation form. Define field labels, types, option lists, display types, and specify which fields are required.
  Form Field Description
1-22 Field n Field Label Field Labels 1-22 allow you define the names of reservation field prompts that will appear on the reservation form.
1-22 Field n [Field] Type Field Types 1-22 allow you to configure the type of fields to show beside the field labels. For fields of type Checkbox, Radio Button, Single-Select List, or Multi-Select List, enter options in the *Options entry box, separating choices by commas. Example: option 1,option 2,option 3
  • Use a Single Line Text field when the user might enter a short textual response.
  • Use a Multi Line Text field when the user might enter a multi-line textual response.
  • Use a Checkbox when the user should select one or more of the choices presented. Options must be entered in the *Options entry box, separating choices by commas. Example: option 1,option 2,option 3
  • Use a Radio Button when the user must answer one and only one of the choices presented. Define options in the *Options entry box, separating choices by commas. Example: option 1,option 2,option 3
  • Use a Single Select List when the user should select only one of the choices presented. Options must be entered in the *Options entry box, separating choices by commas. Example: option 1,option 2,option 3
  • Use a Multi-Select List when the user should select one or more of the choices presented. Options must be entered in the *Options entry box, separating choices by commas. Example: option 1,option 2,option 3
  • Use a Email Address when the user should enter an e-mail address.
  • Use a URL field when the user should enter a web page address or other hyperlink.
1-22 Field n Display Field Displays 1-22 allow you to define the way in which the associated Field Labels will display.
  • Show Label will display the Field Label beside the reservation form field.
  • Hide Label will not display the Field Label beside the reservation form field.
  • Hidden will display the Field Label beside the reservation form field but will hide the information from public viewing after the reservation is made.
1-22 Field n Required Check this box associated with a reservation form field that you want to require entry from the user. If this box is not checked, the user can leave the reservation form field blank or unselected. This is especially important if, for example, you want to force the user to enter a Name and a valid e-mail address for sending the reservation receipt or e-mailing a reservation reminder.

Table 4: Reservation Form Fields

Reservation Booking Format

Reservation booking format applies to the way in which times and dates are used on the reservation form. Choose from either STANDARD, DAILY or DATE RANGE format. The main difference between the choices is that STANDARD format requires the user to enter reservation times, while DAILY and DATE RANGE format requests days or dates from the user.
  Form Field Description
1 Standard Format This is the default reservation format that prompts users to enter a reservation start time and end time. Reservations of this type do not span multiple days, but can be made to be recurring reservations.
2 Daily Format This reservation format does not ask the user for a reservation start and end time, it deals with full-day reservations. Users are prompted for number of days (or nights), for example, that the reservation will span.
3 Date Range Format This reservation format does not ask the user for a reservation start and end time, it also deals with full-day reservations, but different from Daily Format, it prompts user for both the starting date and the ending date of the reservation.

Table 5: Reservation Booking Format

Recurring Reservation Options

Recurring reservation options are only applicable when the STANDARD booking format has been selected. They do not apply for the DAILY or DATE RANGE booking format. Configure the recurring reservation options that you want to offer users when booking reservations. Free-form selections will allow users to input number of days/weeks/months, while Fixed selections will show a drop down list of fixed recurring event choices based on the options configured.
  Form Field Description
1 Free-form or Fixed The difference between Free-form recurring and Fixed recurring is that Free-form allows the user to enter a choice, while Fixed forces the user to select from a pre-defined set of choices. Freeform will allow users to input number of days/weeks/months, while Fixed will show a drop down list of fixed recurring event choices based on the options configured.
2 Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly and Monthly Options If you are going to allow recurring reservation to be placed, configure the Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly and/or Monthly recurring event options that are available. Specify a Min value of at least 2, and a Max value that does not exceed 100.
Table 6: Recurring Reservation Options

E-mail Settings

The admin can configure notification e-mail addresses, as well as e-mail subjects and the server e-mail method.

The following tables describe the e-mail settings parameters:

General E-mail Settings

Optionally specify a Primary and/or Secondary e-mail address to which reservation notification e-mails will be sent. Optionally choose to e-mail the user a receipt of the reservation. Important Note: If you want to e-mail a reservation receipt to each user, be sure to configure a field on the reservation form for inputting the user's e-mail address, AND also configure that field to be a required field.

If you would like to configure other e-mail addresses to receive reservation notifications by resource, use the "Authorized Users" feature to create users with "Resource Admin" privilege. See Add Authorized User for more information on configuring Resource Admins to receive reservation e-mail notifications.
  Form Field Description
1 Primary Notification E-Mail This setting allows you to specify a primary administrator e-mail address which is used for reservation notifications and reports.
2 Secondary Notifiction E-Mail This setting allows you to specify a secondary administrator e-mail address which is used for reservation notifications and reports.
3 E-Mail User This setting allows you to specify whether or not to email the user (whoever is creating/modifying a reservation) a receipt of the reservation. Valid values are "YES" or "NO".

Table 7: E-Mail Settings Form Fields

Admin E-mail Subjects

  Form Field Description
1 Admin E-Mail Subject - Reservation Added This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the administrator when a reservation is added (and is not pending).
2 Admin E-Mail Subject - Reservation Pending This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the administrator when a pending reservation is made.
3 Admin E-Mail Subject - Reservation Modified This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the administrator when a reservation is modified.
4 Admin E-Mail Subject - Reservation Cancelled This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the administrator when a pending reservation is deleted (cancelled).
5 Admin E-Mail Subject - Pending Reservation Accepted This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the administrator when a pending reservation is deleted (cancelled).
6 Admin E-Mail Subject - Pending Reservation Rejected This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the administrator when a pending reservation is deleted (cancelled).

Table 8: Admin E-mail Subjects

User E-mail Subjects

  Form Field Description
1 User E-Mail Subject - Reservation Added This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the user when a reservation is made (and is not pending).
2 User E-Mail Subject - Reservation Pending This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the user when a reservation is created but is pending.
3 User E-Mail Subject - Reservation Modified This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the user when a reservation is modified.
4 User E-Mail Subject - Reservation Cancelled This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the user when a reservation is cancelled.
5 User E-Mail Subject - Pending Reservation Accepted This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the user when a reservation is cancelled.
6 User E-Mail Subject - Pending Reservation Rejected This setting allows you to specify the subject that will appear on e-mail notifications that are sent to the user when a reservation is cancelled.

Table 9: User E-mail Subjects

E-mail Transport

Specify the e-mail method used by CGI scripts on your Web server. "SENDMAIL" is typical of Unix/Linux Web servers, while "SOCKETS" is the only valid option for Windows Web servers.
  Form Field Description
1 E-Mail Method This setting allows you to specify the e-mail method used by CGI scripts on your server. Valid options are "SENDMAIL" and "SOCKETS". The default value is "SENDMAIL". If you are not sure what method your server uses, contact your web host. If neither option is used by your web host, request an example from your web host of a CGI script that can send e-mail on your server, and then request help from Microburst's Support Team ( for configuring this alternate e-mail method to work for you.
2 Sendmail Path This setting allows you to specify the sendmail path if your server uses sendmail to deliver e-mail.
3 SMTP Address This setting allows you to specify the SMTP IP address of your mail server if you are using Sockets to send e-mail.

Table 10: E-mail Transport

Report Preferences

The admin can configure default report preferences which are used each time a report is run. These settings can be changed when the report is generated.

The following table describes the report preferences form parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Date Range Report Default Start Date This setting will control the default setting of the starting date for the date range report. Valid values are "Current Day" and "Start of Week". The default setting is "Current Day".
2 Date Range Report Default End Date This setting will control the default setting of the ending date for the date range report. Choose a default end date, such as 7 days from the start date, or some number of days, up to 30.
3 Print Empty Timeslots This setting allows you to specify whether empty timeslots should print on reports. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO". Set this to "YES" if you want all timeslots - open or reserved - to appear on reports.
4 Print am/pm on Report This setting allows you to specify whether the am/pm indicator should print on reports. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO". Set this to "YES" if you want am/pm to appear next to the time on reports.
5 Double-space Report This setting allows you to specify whether reports should be double-spaced. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO". Set this to "YES" if you want the report entries to be double-spaced.
6 Run Report for All Resources This setting will control the default setting of whether to run reports for all resources or for selected resources. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO". Set this to "YES" if you want to default reports to being generated for all resources.
7 E-Mail Report to Primary Admin This setting allows you to specify the default setting for e-mailing reports to the primary administrator. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO".
8 E-Mail Report to Secondary Admin This setting allows you to specify the default setting for e-mailing reports to a secondary administrator. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO".
9 Print Report To Screen This setting allows you to specify the default setting for viewing reports on the screen. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "YES".
10 Print Report to File This setting allows you to specify the default setting for saving reports to a file. Valid values are "YES" and "NO". The default setting is "NO". Files will be stored in the data directory associated with the timeslot size (the directories named 10min", "15min", "30min" or "60min"), named in the format "YYYYMMDD_daterange_rpt.txt" or "YYYYMMDD_daily_rpt.txt".

Table 11: Report Preferences Form Fields

Colors and Fonts

The admin can configure schedule color and font preferences.

The following table describes the colors and fonts settings parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Background Image This setting allows you to specify a background image that will be displayed on all schedule pages. This setting should be specified as the full URL of the image that you want to use - otherwise, set this setting to "NONE" in order to have no background image.
2 Background Color This setting allows you to specify the background color of the schedule pages. The default setting is "#FFFFFF".
3 Schedule Title Color This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of the title that will be displayed on all schedule pages. The default setting is "#F0F0F0".
4 General Font Face This setting allows you to specify the font face used for the title areas of the schedule pages. The default setting is "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica".
5 General Font Size This setting allows you to specify the font size used for the title areas of the schedule pages. The default setting is "2".
6 General Font Color This setting allows you to specify the hex-based font color used for the title areas of the schedule pages. The default setting is "#000000".
7 Graphical Schedule Font Face This setting allows you to specify the font face used within the graphic schedule displays. The default setting is "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica".
8 Graphical Schedule Font Size This setting allows you to specify the font size used within the graphic schedule displays. The default setting is "2".
9 Graphical Schedule Font Color This setting allows you to specify the hex-based font color used within the graphic schedule displays. The default setting is "#000000".
10 Link Color This setting allows you to specify the hex-based link color used for hyperlinks in your schedule pages. The default settings is "#0000FF".
11 Visited Link Color This setting allows you to specify the hex-based vlink color used for visited hyperlinks in your schedule pages. The default settings is "#0000FF".
12 Active Link Color This setting allows you to specify the alink color used for active hyperlinks in your schedule pages. The default settings is "#0000FF".
13 Open Timeslot Color This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of the title that will be displayed on all schedule pages.
14 Reserved Timeslot Color This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of timeslots which are reserved on the schedule. The default setting is "#FFCECE".
15 Pending Timeslot Color This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of timeslots which are pending on the schedule. The default setting is "#FFD700".
16 Unavailable Timeslot Color This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of timeslots which are blacked out or unavailable on the schedule. The default setting is "#C0C0C0".
17 Category Menu Font Face This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of timeslots which are blacked out or unavailable on the schedule. The default setting is "#C0C0C0".
18 Category Menu Font Size This setting allows you to configure the font size used for the Category Menu if the schedule is configured to display by category. The default setting is "2".
19 Category Menu Font Color This setting allows you to specify the hex-based font color used within the graphic schedule displays. The default setting is "#000000" (black).
20 Category Divider Line Color This setting allows you specify the hex-based color of the category divider line, if displaying all categories and resources on one page instead of using a category menu on one entry page. The default setting is "#000000" (black).
21 Category Divider Line Font Color This setting allows you to specify the hex-based font color used within the category divider line, if displaying all categories and resources on one page instead of using a category menu on one schedule entry page. The default setting is "#FFFFFF" (white).
22 Category Divider Line Font Face This setting allows you specify the type of font used within the category divider line, if displaying all categories and resources on one page instead of using a category menu on one schedule entry page. The default setting is "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica".
23 Category Divider Line Font Size This setting allows you to configure the font size used within the category divider line, if displaying all categories and resources on one page instead of using a category menu on one schedule entry page. The default setting is "2".

Table 12: Colors and Fonts Form Fields

Manage Categories

Only System Administrators have access to the Manage Categories functions. Use categories to group like types of resources for easier management of resources when you have a large number of resources. Categories also help in system performance by breaking down the schedule displays into smaller "groups" of resources, instead of always showing all schedules for all resources.

Each function is described in detail below.

Add Category

The administrator can add additional categories in which to place resources for scheduling by choosing the "Manage Categories" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Add Category" button from the category menu options. The "Add Category" form will be displayed. Enter the required information in the form and choose the "Save" button in order to add the new category.

The following table describes the configurable category fields settings:

  Form Field Description
1 Category Name A unique name of a category, typically one that describes the type of resources that will be in it.
2 Optional Availability Date Range Optionally define a date range for which to show this category (and resources contained within) on the schedule. Entering just a "From" date will allow the category to be available indefinitely, beginning on the specific "From" date. Entering just a "To" date will make the category available on the schedule until the configured ending date. Entering both a From and To date will make the category available only during the configured date range.
3 Category Description Specify a description for this category of resources.
4 Category Image Configure an optional image (.jpg or .gif) to appear at the top of the Category's schedule.
5 Category Background Color Configure the HTML hex background color for the category display.
6 Category Font Color Configure the color of the font to be used when showing the category.
7 Category Font Face Configure the font face to be used when showing the category.
8 Category Font Size Configure the font size to be used when showing the category.
9 Category Default Display Format Specify whether you want the category to initially show in Daily, Weekly, or Monthly format.

Table 13: Add/Edit Category Form Fields

Edit Category

The administrator can edit the static information associated with a category by choosing the "Manage Categories" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Edit Category" button from the menu of category options. After selecting a category to edit, the "Edit Category" form will be displayed. Modify the necessary information in the form and select the "Save" button in order to save the category configuration changes.

Refer to Table 13: Add/Edit Category Form Fields for the list of category fields that can be edited.

Delete Category

The administrator can delete an existing category by choosing the "Manage Categories" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Delete Category" button from the menu of category options. Upon choosing the "Delete Category" button, a list of categories to delete will be displayed. Select the category to delete and choose the "Submit" button. After confirming the category deletion, the category will be permanently removed. Any resources that were previously assigned to the category that was deleted will automatically become unassigned, and will no longer be in any category until reassignment by the administrator.

Copy Category

The administrator can copy the information from an existing category to a new category name. Choose the "Manage Categories" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choose the "Copy Category" button from the menu of category options. After selecting a category to copy, the "Copy Category" form will be displayed. Give this new category a unique name and modify any other information that is necessary in the form, then choose the "Save" button in order to save the new category configuration.

Reorder Categories

By default, categories are shown in the order in which they were created. The administrator can change the order in which categories are displayed by selecting the "Manage Categories" button from the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Reorder Categories" button from the menu of category options. The current category list order will be shown. Select a category from the list displayed, and then use the Move Up/Move Down buttons to move the category listing up or down. Select the "Save Changes" button to save any changes made, or select the "Undo Changes" button to cancel current changes and revert to the last saved list order.

Categorize Resources

The administrator can quickly assign resources to categories by using the Categorize Resources function. Choose "Manage Categories" from the Administrative Control Panel, and then choose the "Categorize Resources" button. Current resources and their associated category assignments will be displayed. A resource may only be assigned to one category, or not assigned to any category at all ("unassigned"). Select a category to assign from the drop-down list, and then select one or more resources from the multi-selectable list of resources displayed (multi-select using the SHIFT key or CTRL key). Select the "Assign & Save" button to save category assignments, or select the "Back" button to quit this screen without saving changes and then return to the Manage Categories Menu.

Manage Resources

Resource Fields

The administrator can configure the wording of resource form prompts, as well as the names of the resource fields. These fields names and prompts are used when adding and editing a resource, as well as when a reservation is being made. These fields hold information which give users details about the resource when they are making a reservation.

The default resource "title" is "Resource Name", but this could be configured to be anything - such as "Laptop Number", "Equipment ID", "Doctor", "Hairstylist", "Lab Name", for example. Default resource field names are "Resource Name", "Location", "Capacity", "Phone" and "Notes", and these can be configured to be any names as well.

The following table describes the configurable resource fields settings:

  Form Field Description
1 Resource Title Prompt This setting allows you specify the resource title. The default value is "Resource", but depending on the type of resource that you will monitoring, you may want to change this setting to "Lab", "Conference Room", or "Sports Field", for example.
2 Resource Prompt This setting allows you to override the default "At what time would you like to reserve this resource?" prompt.
3 Recurring Prompt This setting allows you to override the default "Is this a recurring event?" prompt.
4 Resource Field 1 This setting allows you to override the default "Resource Name" field label.
5 Resource Field 2 This setting allows you to override the default "Location" field label.
6 Resource Field 3 This setting allows you to override the default "Capacity" field label.
7 Resource Field 4 This setting allows you to override the default "Phone" field label.
8 Resource Field 5 This setting allows you to override the default "Notes" field label.

Table 14: Resource Fields Settings Form Fields

Add Resource

The administrator can add additional resources for scheduling by choosing the "Manage Resources" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Add Resource" button from the menu of resource options. The "Add Resource" form will be displayed - enter the requested information in the form and choose the "Save" button in order to add the new resource.

The following table describes the configurable resource parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Resource Name A unique name that describes a resource.

NOTE: Not all special characters may be used in resource names. Supported special chars are:
( ) { } ! % & *

2 Optional Availability Date Range Optionally define a date range for which to show this resource on the schedule. Entering just a "From" date will allow the resource to be available indefinitely, beginning on the specific "From" date. Entering just a "To" date will make the resource available on the schedule until the configured ending date. Entering both a From and To date will make the resource available only during the configured date range.

If the resource is placed in a category for which an availability date range is defined, the category availability date range will take precedence over the resource availability date range. In other words, if the resource is defined as being available from 03/12/2006 until 10/12/2006, but it is assigned to a category which is only available from 03/01/2006 until 05/01/2006, the resource will NOT be shown as being available after 05/01/2006 because the category availability date takes precedence.
3 thru 6 Location, Capacity, Phone, Notes These default resource fields comprise the generic resource description. You can change the name of these fields through the Administrative Control Panel-->Manage Resources-->Resource Fields option.

NOTE: Not all special characters may be used in resource names. Supported special chars are:
( ) { } ! % & *

7 Image You can specify an image link (URL) that will be shown at the top of the reservation form, preceding the general resource fields. Leave this field blank if you do not want to specify a resource image.

8 Category This is a drop-down list of the categories that are already defined. To associate a resource with a particular category (in other words, to "categorize" the resource), select a category from the drop down list of categories. If the category that you desire is not shown in the selectable drop-down list, use the Administrative Control Panel "Manage Categories-->Add Category" function to add the necessary category.

9 User Permission Level This setting allows you to specify the general permission level of the resource, overriding the General Setting for permission level. The permissions levels have been defined as follows:
1 - Anyone can make single reservations or recurring reservations.
2 - Anyone can make single reservations, but only authorized users can make recurring reservations.
3 - Only authorized users can make single reservations or recurring reservations.
4 - Anyone can make single reservations, but no one can make recurring reservations.
5 - Only authorized users can make single reservations, and no one can make recurring reservations.
10* Give Authorization to All Users (*also Remove Authorization from All Authorized Users during EDIT of resource) When checked, this check box is used to automatically give all authorized users permission to reserve the resource.

During the Edit Resource function only, a second checkbox is available to optionally remove authorization from all Authorized Users. If both boxes are checked, neither one is acted upon. If neither box is checked, no authorized user permission for this resource is added and none is removed.

11 Calendar Placeholder Field/Max Chars This setting allows you to specify a field from the reservation form which will display as the reservation placeholder on the graphical schedule. You must specify the max number of characters to display, and you may have to adjust your timeslot sizes to fit large-sized entries.
12 Fixed Reservation Length This setting allows you to specify a fixed length of reservation timeslots, such that when a user makes a reservation, the timeslot chosen will contain both a begin and end time and the user will not be able to adjust the reservation size.
13 Max Reservation Length This setting allows you to specify a maximum length of a reservation.
14 Reservation Lead Time Create This setting allows you to specify a lead time required when making a reservation for this resource. Reservations will not be permitted within this lead time before the actual reservation date.
15 Reservation Lead Time Cancel This setting allows you to specify a lead time required when deleting or cancelling a reservation for this resource. Reservations will not be permitted to be cancelled within this lead time before the actual reservation date.
16 Max Days Before Reservation This setting allows you configure a number of days in advance for which reservations for this resource will be accepted. This is useful when you only want to allow reservations to be made, for example, 90 days [n days] in advance.
17 Special E-mail Text This setting allows you to specify additional text which will be added to the reservation notification e-mail.
18 Pending Until Approved This checkbox controls whether reservations for this resource are pending until approved by an admin or not. Check this box if you want all reservations for this resource to require administrative approval before accepting them.
19 Pending E-mail Text This setting allows you to specify additional text which will be added to the pending reservation notification e-mail.

Table 15: Add/Edit Resource Form Fields

Edit Resource

The administrator can edit the static information associated with a resource by choosing the "Manage Resources" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Edit Resource" button from the menu of resource options. After selecting a resource to edit, the "Edit Resource" form will be displayed. Modify the necessary information in the form and press the "Save" button in order to save the resource configuration changes.

Something you may find helpful on the "Edit Resource" form, which is not on the "Add Resource" form is a hyperlink to a popup window that displays any and all Resource Admins configured for the resource. This refers to any authorized users who are configured to be in the User Group "Resource Admin" for this resource, and who will receive e-mail notifications of all reservations placed against this resource. If you want to add (or remove) any Resource Admins from a resource, you will need to use the "Authorized Users" function from the main Administrative Control Panel. See Add Authorized User for more information on configuring Resource Admins to receive reservation e-mail notifications.

Refer to Table 15 "Add/Edit Resource Form Fields" for field descriptions.

Delete Resource

The administrator can delete an existing resource by choosing the "Manage Resources" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Delete Resource" button from the menu of resource options. Select the resource to delete from the list of resources presented, and choose the "Submit" button. If there are existing reservations against this resource, a warning will be shown to alert the admin that these reservations will be deleted along with the resource, and the admin can choose to cancel or continue with the deletion of the resource. After confirming the resource deletion, the resource (and any associated reservations) will be permanently removed. Any authorized users who were authorized to use this resource will automatically have the permission to use the deleted resource removed.

Blackout Dates

The administrator can individually specify timeslots that a resource is not available.

Configure the color that blackout dates will appear on the schedule by choosing the "General Settings" button on the Administrative Control Panel, then choosing "Colors and Fonts", and then specifying the hex value color in the "Unavailable Timeslot Color" field.

Add Blackout Date

Choose the "Manage Resources" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choose the "Blackout Dates" button from the menu of resource options. Current blackout dates for all resources are displayed in a selectable list. Choose "Add" to create a new blackout date and time for a resource.

The following table describes the blackout date form parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Select Resource Name(s) This multi-select list box allows you to select one or more resources for which you are going to create a blackout date.
2-3 Blackout From Date/To Date This setting allows you to specify a date range for which to apply the new blackout. You can optionally select a day or days of the week, rather than specifying a date range.
4 Select Day(s) This setting allows you to specify a day or days of the week for which to apply the new blackout. You can optionally select a date range for the blackout, rather than specifying days of the week.
5-6 Blackout From Time/To Time This setting allows you to specify a starting time and ending time for the blackout period, on the day(s) or dates selected.

Table 16: Add Blackout Date Form Fields

NOTE: If while trying to add a Blackout Date you receive the error message:

System Error. No blackout dates were added.

...this would be caused by the use of special characters in your resource(s) name. Supported special chars that may be in your resource names are: ( ) { } ! % & *

Delete Blackout Date

Choose the "Manage Resources" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choose the "Blackout Dates" button from the menu of resource options. Current blackout dates for all resources are displayed in a selectable list. Choose "Delete" to cancel the blackout date.

Authorized Users

Add Authorized User

The administrator can optionally specify authorized users for making reservations. In addition to the Security Settings which control access to the schedule, the General Settings default permission level and the individual resource setting for permission level affect whether a user and password is required when a reservation is made.

To specify an authorized user, choose the "Authorized Users" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choose the "Add Authorized User" button from the menu of options. The "Add Authorized User" form will be displayed. Enter the requested information in the form and press the "Save" button in order to add the new authorized user.

IMPORTANT NOTE: By default, a list of all resources will be displayed on the Authorized User form. The resources are not authorized for the user until they are highlighted, and the input saved. You can multi-select resources to authorize a user for by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on the resources.

The following table describes the Add Authorized User form parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Full Name This field is used for collecting the full name of the authorized user.
2 User Group This setting controls the level of access that the user has for the schedule.
  • General User - can only create, modify and delete his/her own reservations for the resource(s) which he/she is authorized.
  • Reports Admin - in addition to being a General User, this user can log in to the Administrative Control Panel and access the Reports only.
  • Resource Admin
  • - in addition to being a General User, this user can log in to the Administrative Control Panel and access Reports, Manage Resources, Manage Users, and Manage Pending Reservations, but only for the resource(s) for which he/she is authorized. This user will receive an e-mail notification for any reservation added, modified, or cancelled in regards to this resource.
  • System Admin
  • - this user has access to all other user functions, plus access to the Administrative Control Panel to configure General Settings, Manage Categories, access the Utilities functions, and change Security Settings.
3 Username This field is used for specifying an authorized username which will be used when reserving resources.
4 Password This field is used for specifying an authorized user password which will be used when reserving resources.
5 E-mail Address This field is used for specifying an e-mail address which will be [optionally] used for e-mailing the user a reservation receipt, and when e-mailing the user a reservation reminder.
6 Authorized Resources This multi-select list allows you to specify one or more resources that this authorized user has permission to reserve. The list of all resources will be shown, and the user will not be authorized to any resource unless it is selected (highlighted) in the list. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking on the resources in order to multi-select resources.

Table 17: Add/Edit Authorized User Form Fields

Edit Authorized User

The administrator can edit the information associated with an authorized user by choosing the "Authorized Users" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Edit Authorized User" button from the menu of options. The "Edit Authorized User" form will be displayed - modify the necessary information in the form and choose the "Save" button in order to save the authorized user configuration changes.

Refer to Table 9 "Add/Edit Authorized User Form Fields" for field descriptions.

Delete Authorized User

The administrator can remove an authorized user by choosing the "Authorized Users" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Delete Authorized User" button from the menu of options. Select the user to delete and press "Submit". A confirmation form will be displayed before the delete is performed.

Blocked Users

The System Admin can specify a list of e-mail addresses from which to deny reservations from being made. If authorized users are being used, it is better to Edit the Authorized User and just remove the resource authorization for the user that is to be blocked from making reservations. The administrator can also completely remove an authorized user by choosing the "Authorized Users" button on the Administrative Control Panel, and then choosing the "Delete Authorized User" and selecting to delete the user that needs to be blocked.

Pending Reservations

The administrator can view all current pending reservations by choosing the "Pending Reservations" button on the Administrative Control Panel. The administrator can then either individually approve or reject reservation requests, or multi-select multiple reservations to approve or reject at one time.

View or Reject Pending Reservation

Select from the list of pending reservations and choose "Authorize" to accept the reservation request, or choose "Reject" to cancel the reservation request and to free up the requested timeslot for another user to reserve.

STANDARD reservation booking format only: Single-selection of a pending reservation gives the administrator the added ability to optionally approve or reject all associated reservations if the pending reservation happens to be a recurring reservation.

STANDARD reservation booking format only: Multi-selections of more than one pending reservation, however, does not give the administrator the option to approve or reject all associated pending recurring reservations related to any selection that happens to be a recurring reservation. In this case, only the selected pending reservations will be approved or rejected, and any associated pending recurring reservations that were not selected will remain pending.

DAILY or DATE RANGE reservation booking format only: Single-selection OR multi-selection of pending reservation(s) will give the administrator the ability to automatically approve or reject all days within a reservation. In other words, if the reservation spans multiple days, the act of authorizing or rejecting the reservation will automatically be applied to ALL days within the reservation, regardless of whether multiple reservations were selected or not.

Choosing the "Advanced" button in conjunction with selected pending reservation(s), instead of the "Authorize" or "Reject" button, will first present the details of all selected reservations, give the administrator the ability to authorize or reject all selected reservations, plus:

The above rules of STANDARD vs DAILY/DATE RANGE format still are applied.

When a reservation is approved or rejected, a notification will be e-mailed to the user to make him or her aware that the reservation was either authorized or cancelled. If the "Advanced" option was chosen when authorizing/rejecting the reservation, the user might also receive an optional "Note" from the administrator.

An e-mail notification of the change of status of the reservation will be e-mailed to the user automatically, and a confirmation e-mail will also be sent to the administrator(s).


The System Admin, Reports Admin, or Resource Admin can generate schedule reports by choosing the "Reports" button from the Administrative Control Panel.

The default options for the report selection screen are based on the settings configured from the "Report Preferences" option (General Settings --> Report Preferences). The report selection screen includes the option to run one of three types of reports:

Choose the appropriate radio button beside the desired report type choice. Choose a report period, and if running the "Reservations by Time Period Report, select the Time Range to report on. (Note: If Time Range is selected when the report type is not "Reservations by Time Period Report", it will simply be ignored when the report is generated.)

Choose either to run the report for all resources, or select one or more resources to report on from the multi-select resource list box.

Choose whether to Print Empty timeslots (does not apply for the "Reservations By Time Period Report").

If a primary and/or secondary admin e-mail address is configured under General Settings-->E-mail settings, you will also be given the option to e-mail the report to either admin.

Choose to print the report to the screen or to a file. If printing to a file, the file will be stored on your Web server, in your uReserve data directory. Use your FTP program to pull the report down to a local computer, if needed.

After specifying the required report criteria, choose "Generate" to run the report, or choose "Back" to cancel out of the report function and just return to the initial Administrative Control Panel.

The following table describes the report details form parameters:

  Form Field Description
1 Report Type Report Type choices include Reservations By Resource, Reservations By Time Period, and Resource Usage.
  • Choose Reservations By Resource to generate a report that individually displays all of the reservations for each selected resource within a specified date range. This report groups the reservations first by Resource, then by Date and Time.
  • Choose Reservations By Time Period to generate a report that displays all of the reservations across all selected resources within a specified time and date range. This report groups the reservations by Date and Time, then by Resource. This report is most useful when using Configured Column Names.
  • Choose Resource Usage to generate a report that shows the number of times each selected resource was reserved within the specified date range.
2 Report Period Report Period choices include a Daily Report, Date Range Report, and Monthy Report. Choose Daily Report and enter a single date (in MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY format) to run the report for a single day. Choose Date Range Report and then enter a starting date ("From Date", in MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY format) and an ending date ("To Date", in MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY format) to run the report for a specific date range. Choose Monthly Report and then enter a month and year (MM/YYYY) to run the report for a specific month and year.
3 Time Range This option only applies if you have selected the report type of "Reservations By Time Period". Selection is ignored if report type is not "Reservations By Time Period."
4 Run Report for All Resources? This radio button selection lets you choose to automatically run the report for all resources, or by setting it to "NO", lets you select from the resources for which to run the report.
5 Select Specific Resource(s) This multi-select list box is only used if "Run Report for All Resources" is set to "No". Choose one or more resources for which to run the report.
6 Print Empty Timeslots This radio button controls whether empty (non-reserved) timeslots should print on the report. Set this to "NO" if you only want reserved or pending timeslots to show on the report.
7 E-mail report to Primary/Secondary Admin This setting controls whether the report is e-mailed to the primary or secondary admin. Set this to "NO" if you don't want the report e-mailed.
8 Print to Screen This setting controls whether the report will display on the screen. Set this to "YES" to see the report on screen.
9 Print to File This setting controls whether the report will be written to a file in the data directory on the server. Set this to "NO" if you do not want the report written to a file.

Table 18: Report Details Form Fields


Only System Administrators have access to the Utilities functions. Each function is described in detail below.

E-Mail Reservation Reminders

Use this utility to send upcoming reservation or appointment e-mail reminders to users. Specify the number of days from today (between 1 and 365) for which you want reminders sent out, then select the "Send Reminders" button. For example, if you enter 3 days, reminders will be e-mailed to ALL users who have reservations or appointments occurring within the next 3 days.

Choose "Clear Log File" to empty the reminder log file.

Choose "Back" to return to the main Administrative Control Panel.

Manage Images

Use this utility to upload image files to your uReserve image directory, or to delete image files from your uReserve image directory. This tool is especially useful when you have configured images (.jpg or .gif) to be associated with resources, and you want to upload those images to your Web server.

Choose "Back" to return to the main Administrative Control Panel.

View Logs

Use this utility to view the Admin Activity Log, the Reservation Log, the Upgrade Log, and the Reminder E-mails log. Select the log file to view, then choose the "View Log" button.

Choose "Refresh Log" button to get up-to-the-minute log information.

Choose "Back" to return to the main Administrative Control Panel.

Export Data

* For Advanced Users Only *

If there is a need to export all of the reservation data to a flat file that can be manipulated locally for statistical or reporting reasons, use this function to create a downloadable text file that contains all reservation data. The admin will be prompted to save the file locally after it has been created on the web server. By default, the file is created with a ".xls" extension, under which it is recommended it be first saved. After saving this text-based file locally, you can give it a new name and import it into the program of your choice.

The extracted data file will be text based, pipe-delimited (or "bar" delimited), with each separate reservation on its own line in the file, and each reservation line will be in the following format:



ResourceName is the name of the Resource
ResourceCategoryName is the name of the Category that the resource is assigned to (if any), else empty
ReservationBeginDateYYYYMMDD is the beginning date of the reservation, in the format YYYYMMDD
ReservationBeginDateFormatted is the beginning date of the reservation, in the format MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, depending on the configured date format (US or EURO)
ReservationEndDateYYYYMMDD is the ending date of the reservation, in the format YYYYMMDD
ReservationEndDateFormatted is the ending date of the reservation, in the format MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, depending on the configured date format (US or EURO)
BeginTime is the reservation start time (or beginning column name, if configurable column names is being used)
EndTime is the reservation end time (or ending column name, if configurable column names is being used)
ReservationField[n] = reservation fields 1-22, unused fields are shown empty (not blank)

Note: If the extract file continues to be displayed each time you run it, you may need to pull it off of your Web server using your FTP program. Another solution would be to change the name of the extract file extension to be something other than .xls, but something that your local computer does not recognize as being "text-based". Try changing the source code of the script: Make a backup copy first, but then search the script for ".xls" (do not include the quotes), and change the .xls to .mdb This usually will solve the download problem. For further help regarding this matter, contact

Purge Old Data

Occasionally, it may be desirable to purge old reservation data files from your server. This will help to save disk space and keep uReserve running efficiently. These files accumulate in your cgi-bin/data folder, under the subfolder named according to your chosen reservation timeslot size (i.e. cgi-bin/data/15min or cgi-bin/data/30min). These files are named in the format "MM-DD-YYYY.txt", and are the only files that this function will purge.

The administrator can first view the number of old reservation data files by choosing the "Purge Old Data" button on the Administrative Control Panel. A count of old files ("old" means prior to the current week) will be displayed. If the administrator chooses the "Purge Data" button, "old" reservation data files will be permanently removed from the data folder. If the administrator decides not to proceed with the purge, the "Back" button can be selected to leave the old reservation data files on the server.

Note: If you have chosen "Print to File" for any reports, these files will also accumulate in the data directory but are not automatically deleted by the "Purge Data" function. These report files should periodically be purged manually, using your FTP program.

Upgrade Data Files (non-Hosted version only)

This section does not apply to uReserve hosting customers.

When users upgrade from version 3.x to the Gold Edition, an upgrade utility must be run which will convert previous data files to a new format that the Gold Edition requires. Backups of old reservation data files are automatically created when the upgrade is run.

During the upgrade, the version 3.x files that are modified are as follows:

Example data file structure before upgrade:

Example data file structure after upgrade:

During the upgrade, it is possible that reservation data will be identified as belonging to resources that no longer exist. This could happen because version 3.x used "resource name" as the key in reservation data files, and when a resource was renamed, reservation data was not automatically re-associated with the new resource name (thus, it appeared to be "lost", and it was previously recommended that resource names NOT be changed after reservations were made using it). The upgrade log file will identify problem data, and the errant data can either be manually corrected or ignored. For advice regarding specific errors and what action is recommended, contact

Security Settings

Only System Administrators have access to the Security Settings.

The following table describes the configurable security settings:

  Form Field Description
1 Password-protect access to viewing the schedule This setting allows you to prevent the general public from even seeing your schedule.

By setting this to "YES", the general public will be unable to view your online schedule. You will instead need to set up authorized usernames and passwords to control access to your schedule.

Set this to "NO" if you want to allow the general public to View your online schedule.
2 Restrict Viewing Reservation Details This setting controls whether reservation details are viewable to anyone.

By setting this to "Yes", a password will be required before any reservation details can be viewed. This password can be the admin password or the password that was used when the reservation was made.

Leave this setting as "No" if you want to allow anyone to view the reservation details.
3 Disable the Illegal Referrer checking By design, uReserve checks the HTTP-REFERRER setting when a user requests access to administrative functions. This check is intended to prevent unauthorized users from outside the domain from "hacking" into the Administrative Control Panel, and otherwise posting commands to uReserve from outside the domain where uReserve is installed. This type of activity would be rare, and would only be successful by someone with the administrative password AND with advanced programming knowledge (not to mention, a motive for doing this). NOTE: This is not a guaranteed form of security, as hackers can also spoof the HTTP-REFERRER.

Unfortunately, it is becoming more prevalent that firewall software (personal or otherwise) and antivirus software will mask the HTTP-REFERRER variable, preventing access to the Administrative Control Panel functions as uReserve interprets the command to be coming from a hacker outside the website domain. If you experience problems navigating uReserve, you might need to disable the illegal referrer check. Change this setting to "YES" to disable the HTTP-REFERRER validation. Leave this setting as "NO" to always check the HTTP-REFERRER when commands are posted to uReserve.
4 Prevent expired timeslot reservations Use this setting to control whether reservations can be made for dates and times which have already passed (in other words, they are "in the past").

If you want to prevent reservations from being made during timeslots which have already expired, leave this setting as Yes.

If you need to allow reservations to be made during expired timeslots, change this setting to No.
5 Allow admin to override expired timeslot checking This setting tells uReserve to optionally ignore the expired timeslot check for administrative management (System Admin or Resource Admins) of reservations.

If you wish to allow your administrators to add/update/delete reservation data for timeslots that have passed, set this option to Yes.

If you do not want your administrators making, updating or deleting reservations for timeslots that are in the past, set this option to No.
6 Allow admin to change reservations during resource lockout period This setting tells uReserve to optionally ignore the resource lead times when an administrator is modifying or deleting a reservation.

If you wish to allow your administrators to add or delete reservation data which falls within the limits set by the configured resource lead times (lead time create, lead time cancel), set this option to Yes.

If you do not want your administrators making or deleting reservations that are within the configured resource lead times, set this option to No.

Table 19: Security Settings

Using uReserve Gold

Once the administrator has added one or more resources, users can start reserving the resources unless the schedule has been configured to prevent public access (see Security Settings).

If the security settings are such that users must be authorized to view or access the schedule, then the administrator needs to create Authorized Users.

Viewing The Resource Schedule

To view the actual resource schedule, visitors just need to launch a web browser and link to the URL of the script on your server, such as:

By just visiting this URL, either the online schedule or a Log In screen will be displayed, depending on the security settings. You may want to consider putting a link to that URL somewhere on your main website so that visitors can easily link to that URL.

Tip! If you want the schedule to default to showing a specific date, the administrator can configure this setting through the General Settings-->Display Preferences-->Default Schedule Display Date field. See Table 1, Form Field 3 for details.

Tip! Allow users to switch the schedule view from Daily, to Weekly, to Monthly by configuring the General Settings-->Display Preferences-->Show Toggle View Bar to "YES". See Show Toggle View Bar for details.

Reserving A Resource

To reserve a resource using the Daily or Weekly calendar view, the visitor just needs to click on the name of the desired resource on the desired day. Upon clicking on the name of the desired resource, a window will be displayed with some general information about the resource and a form by which the visitor can reserve the resource.

To reserve a resource using the Monthly calendar view, the visitor needs to click on the reservation day on the calendar. Upon clicking on the reservation day, one of two things will happen: (1) if there are no reservations already placed for that day, a pop-up form will show the resource information and prompt the visitor for reservation form information, or (2) if there is at least one reservation placed on that day, the daily schedule will be displayed, showing the timeslots and their availability. If the daily schedule is displayed, the visitor needs to click on the name of the desired resource, and then submit the subsequent pop-up form after filling out the reservation information.

If a "Reservation Lead Time - Create" was specified in the resource configuration, then this time is taken into account when a reservation is made. If the time at which the visitor is requesting a reservation is within the required lead time specified for the resource, the reservation will not be accepted.

Note: In order to limit who is allowed to make reservations, see the "Authorized Users" option.

Viewing Reservation Information

Timeslots in which resources have been reserved (and are no longer available), in which reservations are pending, or in which a blackout is in effect, will be displayed in a different color from the open timeslots on the schedule displays. These colors are controlled from the Control Panel --> General Settings --> Colors and Fonts options.

If the General Settings --> Display Preferences setting for Restrict Viewing Reservation Details is set to "No", then anyone can find out specific information about a reserved time slot by clicking on the link (character, image or field info) that is located in the associated reserved time slot.

If the General Settings --> Display Preferences setting for Restrict Viewing Reservation Details is set to "Yes", then specific information about a reserved timeslot is limited to the System Admin and Resource Admins (if configured). Clicking on the timeslot link that is located in the associated reserved timeslot will generate a pop-up password form. Use a System Admin or Resource Admin username and password to view the reservation details.

Modifying or Deleting a Reservation

To modify or delete a reservation, the visitor can needs to click on the special character link that is located in the associated reserved time slot. Select "Modify" in the resulting display and then make any desired changes.

If a password was specified when the resource was originally reserved, then that password will also be needed before any "modify" or "delete" operations are performed.

If the visitor attempts to modify (or delete) a reservation which was created as a recurring event, a prompting message will be displayed asking if all of the associated recurring reservations should also be modified (or deleted): If a "Reservation Lead Time - Cancel" was specified in the resource configuration, then this time is taken into account when a reservation is modified or deleted. If the time at which the visitor is requesting a reservation modification or cancellation (delete) is within the required cancellation lead time specified for the resource, the modification or cancellation request will not be accepted.

Tip! A user with System Admin privilege or Resource Admin privilege can use his/her username and password to override any of the visitor reservation passwords.

Additional Information about uReserveTM Gold

For additional information about uReserveTM Gold, or to find out about other great products from Microburst Technologies, Inc., please visit our website at: