is a Perl script that must be configured and put in the cgi directory on your server if you are going to use any of the CGI order applets. Note: We would have preferred not to use any CGI scripts, however, since the Java language itself does not allow applets to write to files, we had to make this CGI script to write the order files onto the secure server.

In order to configure the CGI script for your server, you can follow the instructions below or NEW! use our new "uShop CGI Setup Wizard" at our reference site: The "uShop CGI Setup Wizard" will actually generate a CGI script for your server along with personalized instructions on how to download it onto your server.

If not using the "uShop CGI Setup Wizard", you will need to manually configure to CGI script. To do this, start by opening the file with any standard text editor - such as NotePad or WordPad. Answer the configuration questions at the top of the script and save the file as text. The questions mostly deal with some store preferences like where you want to email the order notications, but there are also some server specific questions such as where Perl is located on your server. The script has provided suggestions of the most common settings, but you may need to ask your internet service provider if you do not know.

If you need any assistance configuring the CGI script and/or have any trouble configuring the CGI script for your server, be sure to check our out the "User's Manual" and "Troubleshooting" pages at our reference site - just follow the "Troubleshooting" links at our refence site: