
The uShopInputButton2 applet is a resizable input button. You still specify a product id, name, description, weight and price, but the only thing that appears on the web page is the button. The button will resize to whatever dimensions you set for the applet. This is ideal if you are limited in screen real estate and/or if you don't want to display all of the other product details.
NEW! You can also specify a "label" parameter to change the text on the button from the default "Bestellen" to whatever you want.

Note: Optional parameters are in italics

Example 1

<APPLET CODE = "uShopInputButton2_de.class" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=75>
<PARAM NAME=id          VALUE="B00002">
<PARAM NAME=name        VALUE="Soccer Ball">
<PARAM NAME=description VALUE="size 3">
<PARAM NAME=weight      VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME=price       VALUE="DM 15.00">
<PARAM NAME=popupwindow VALUE="NO">

Example 2

<APPLET CODE = "uShopInputButton2_de.class" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=35>
<PARAM NAME=id          VALUE="B00003">
<PARAM NAME=name        VALUE="Soccer Ball">
<PARAM NAME=description VALUE="size 4">
<PARAM NAME=weight      VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME=price       VALUE="DM 20.00">
<PARAM NAME=label       VALUE="Bestellen">
<PARAM NAME=popupwindow VALUE="NO">

Example 3 (With "LABEL" Set)

<APPLET CODE = "uShopInputButton2_de.class" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=35>
<PARAM NAME=id          VALUE="B00004">
<PARAM NAME=name        VALUE="Soccer Ball">
<PARAM NAME=description VALUE="size 5">
<PARAM NAME=weight      VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME=price       VALUE="DM 25.00">
<PARAM NAME=label       VALUE="Soccer Ball, Size 5">
<PARAM NAME=popupwindow VALUE="NO">