
The uShopInputQuantity1 applet allows you to specify a list of quantities from which the customer can choose when buying the product. This is ideal when the customer would normally buy more than one of the product - instead of hitting the ADD button multiple times, the customer can specify the quantity and then press the ADD button just once.

Note: Optional parameters are in italics


<APPLET CODE = "uShopInputQuantity1_fn.class" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=35>
<PARAM NAME=id          VALUE="Q00001">
<PARAM NAME=showid      VALUE="YES">
<PARAM NAME=name        VALUE="Firecrackers">
<PARAM NAME=description VALUE="Made in China">
<PARAM NAME=weight      VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME=quantity    VALUE="50,100,250,500">
<PARAM NAME=price       VALUE="FIM 0.01">
<PARAM NAME=textcolor   VALUE="black">
<PARAM NAME=background  VALUE="153,204,255">
<PARAM NAME=popupwindow VALUE="NO">