
The uShopInputOptionQuantity3 applet allows you to specify three lists of options from which the customer can choose when buying the product. It also provides a quantity input field to allow the customer to buy more than one item at a time. This is ideal for providing a list of colors, sizes, etc... for which the product is available.

Note: Optional parameters are in italics


<APPLET CODE = "uShopInputOptionQuantity3_dn.class" WIDTH=530 HEIGHT=35>
<PARAM NAME=id         VALUE="N00003">
<PARAM NAME=showid     VALUE="NO">
<PARAM NAME=name       VALUE="Jeans">
<PARAM NAME=option1    VALUE="blue,black,instant-old,white">
<PARAM NAME=option2    VALUE="W30,W32,W34,W36,W38,W40">
<PARAM NAME=option3    VALUE="I30,I32,I34,I36,I38">
<PARAM NAME=quantity   VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME=weight     VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME=price      VALUE="KR 32.00">
<PARAM NAME=textcolor  VALUE="black">
<PARAM NAME=background VALUE="153,204,255">
<PARAM NAME=popupwindow VALUE="NO">